L1 Certification

EverExpanse provides consultancy to ensure physical hardware capabilities of a payment card or device, ensuring its electro-mechanical components meet the required specifications.

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L1 Certification

We provide testing and certification consultancy EMV Level 1 testing the terminal chip reader for compliance with the mechanical and electrical protocols in the EMV Chip Specifications, which covers the transfer of data between the terminal and the card, smartphone, watch or other device for making card-based payments.

EverExpanse provides solutions for Device and Terminal manufacturers to ensure if payment cards, devices and acceptance terminals comply with the EMV Chip Specifications and are EMV-compliant along with Performance and compatibility.

Providing solutions and consultancy for

EMV Chip Contact

EMV Chip Contactless


QR Code

Secure Remote Commerce (SRC)

3-D Secure (3DS)

Payment Tokenisation

Contact EverExpanse for EMVCo TTA and Certification, Card Payment Solutions.
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