Payment Gateway Integration: How to Integrate Payment Gateway Into Website

Category: Payment Gateway

Integrate payment gateway into your website to accept secure online payments. Choose the right payment gateway provider, set up a merchant account, install payment gateway software and test before launching.

What is payment gateway integration?

Payment gateway integration is the process of adding a payment processing service to a website, PoS system , allowing customers to make online payments securely and efficiently. Payment gateways are third-party providers that act as intermediaries between the customer and the merchant, facilitating the transfer of funds between the two parties. Integrating a payment gateway into a website can be a complex process but it is essential for businesses that want to accept online payments.

How to Integrate a Payment Gateway into Your Website

Step 1- Choose a Payment Gateway

The first step in integrating a payment gateway into a website is to select a payment gateway provider. When choosing a payment gateway provider, consider the following factors

  • Security

    The payment gateway should offer robust security features to protect sensitive customer information.

  • Compatibility

    The payment gateway should be compatible with your website's platform and technology stack.

  • Transaction Fees

    The payment gateway should offer competitive transaction fees that fit within your budget.

  • User Experience

    The payment gateway should provide a seamless and intuitive user experience for both merchants and customers.

Step 2- Register for an Account

Once you have selected a payment gateway provider, the next step is to register for an account with them. This typically involves providing your personal and business details, such as your name, email address, business name and tax ID number.
During the registration process, you will also need to agree to the provider's terms and conditions, which will outline the fees and other requirements associated with using their payment processing services.

Step 3- Obtain API Keys

After creating an account with the payment gateway provider, you will receive API keys or credentials that allow your website to communicate with the payment gateway. API stands for "application programming interface," and it is a set of protocols and tools that allow different software systems to interact with each other.
API keys typically include a public key for front-end interactions and a secret key for server-side interactions. These keys are used to encrypt and decrypt sensitive data, such as customer credit card information, as it is transmitted between your website and the payment gateway.

Step 4- Integrate the Payment Gateway

Once you have obtained your API keys, the next step is to integrate the payment gateway into your website. The exact steps for integration will depend on your website's platform and technology stack but the general process involves adding the necessary code to the checkout page or shopping cart.
To integrate the payment gateway, you will typically need to

  • Add a Payment Form

    Add a form to collect payment information, such as credit card details or PayPal login credentials. This form should be designed to match the look and feel of your website, to provide a seamless user experience for customers.

  • Add JavaScript Code

    Add JavaScript code to your website's checkout page or shopping cart, to connect the payment form to the payment gateway's API. This code will typically use the public API key to encrypt the customer's payment information and send it to the payment gateway for processing.

  • Add Server-Side Code

    Add server-side code to your website's back-end, to handle the response from the payment gateway. This code will typically use the secret API key to decrypt the payment information and process the payment.

It is important to note that the certification process can vary depending on the certification authority and the type of certification being obtained. Payment device manufacturers should consult with the certification authority to ensure that they follow the correct procedures and requirements.

Step 5- Test Transactions

Before going live with your payment gateway integration, it is important to test it thoroughly to ensure that everything is working correctly. Most payment gateway providers offer a sandbox environment or test mode that allows you to process transactions without actually charging a customer's credit card.

To test your payment gateway integration, you should

  • Perform End-to-End Testing

    Test the entire payment flow from start to finish, including filling out the payment form, submitting the payment and receiving the response from the payment gateway.

  • Test Different Scenarios

    Test the payment gateway integration under different scenarios, such as with different credit card types, with invalid credit.

EverExpanse team can assist you for your payment Gateway customization and Integration successfully with your defined time to market.


Payment gateway integration is important as it allows merchants to accept online payments securely and seamlessly, improving the customer experience and increasing revenue.
Payment gateway integration works by adding code to the merchant's website or application that connects to the payment gateway's API. The code allows the payment gateway to securely transmit payment data between the customer, the merchant and the financial institution.
The requirements for payment gateway integration vary depending on the payment gateway provider and the merchant's website or application. Generally, merchants will need to have a website or application that is capable of integrating with the payment gateway's API.
The time it takes to integrate a payment gateway into a website can vary depending on the complexity of the integration and the payment gateway provider. However, it typically takes a few days to a week to complete the integration.
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