Latest Trends in EMV Certification Technology

Category: EMV L2 Certification

Explore the latest trends in EMV certification technology, from advanced chip tech to contactless payments, tokenization and biometric authentication. Stay updated on payment security and convenience.

Explore the latest trends in EMV Certification technology, from Advanced Chip Tech to Contactless Payments, Tokenization and Biometric Authentication.

Advanced Chip Technology

One of the most significant trends in EMV certification technology is the continuous advancement of chip technology. EMV chips have become the standard for secure card transactions, replacing the older magnetic stripe technology. The latest chip advancements focus on improving security and transaction speed.

  • Dual Interface Cards

    Dual-interface cards are a notable development in chip technology. These cards can be used for both contact and contactless transactions, offering versatility and convenience to cardholders. When used in contactless transactions, dual-interface cards use radio frequency (RF) technology, allowing for quick and secure payments with a simple tap.

  • Enhanced Authentication Methods

    To enhance security, newer chip cards incorporate advanced authentication methods, such as dynamic authentication. Dynamic authentication generates a unique transaction code for each payment, making it nearly impossible for fraudsters to duplicate the transaction.

Contactless Payments

Contactless payments have gained immense popularity in recent years and this trend is shaping the future of EMV certification technology. Contactless payments offer a seamless and fast way to complete transactions, reducing the need for physical contact between the card and the terminal.

  • Mobile Wallet Integration

    Mobile wallets like Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay have become integral parts of the contactless payment ecosystem. EMV certification technology now includes provisions for integrating mobile wallets with contactless payments, providing a convenient and secure way to make payments using smartphones.

  • Wearable Devices

    Another exciting development in contactless payments is the integration of wearable devices, such as smartwatches and fitness trackers. These devices can store payment information and use NFC (Near Field Communication) technology to enable contactless transactions, making payments even more convenient for consumers.


EMV Tokenization is a powerful security measure that is increasingly being integrated into EMV certification technology. Tokenization replaces sensitive cardholder data with unique tokens, ensuring that even if these tokens are intercepted, they are of no use to fraudsters.

  • Card-on-File Tokenization

    With the growing trend of card-on-file payments, tokenization has become crucial for securing cardholder data. Card-on-file tokenization replaces the primary account number (PAN) with a token, allowing merchants to securely store payment information for recurring payments without exposing sensitive data.

  • Network Tokenization

    Network tokenization is a trend that enhances the security of card transactions. In this approach, tokenization is handled at the network level, adding an extra layer of security and reducing the risk of data breaches at the merchant level.

  • Biometric Authentication

    Biometric authentication methods, such as fingerprint and facial recognition, are gaining traction in the EMV certification landscape. These methods provide an additional layer of security by ensuring that the cardholder is the legitimate user of the card.

  • Fingerprint Scanners

    Many modern payment terminals and smartphones are equipped with fingerprint scanners. Cardholders can use their fingerprints to authorize transactions, adding a layer of biometric security to EMV-certified payments.

  • Facial Recognition

    Facial recognition technology is also being explored for EMV certification. With a simple scan of the cardholder's face, transactions can be authorized, making payments even more convenient and secure.

3-D Secure (3DS) 2.0

3-D Secure is an additional security layer for online card transactions. The latest iteration, 3DS 2.0, is designed to enhance security while minimizing friction for cardholders during online transactions.

  • Frictionless Authentication

    3DS 2.0 includes features like frictionless authentication, which allows for a smoother online shopping experience. It uses data analytics and risk-based assessments to determine whether a transaction is low risk, eliminating the need for additional authentication steps in many cases.

  • Improved User Experience

    The focus on improving the user experience is a significant trend in 3DS 2.0. EMV certification technology is moving towards solutions that balance security with user convenience, reducing cart abandonment rates and ensuring a smooth checkout process.

EMV certification technology is continuously evolving to meet the growing demands of the payment industry. The latest trends focus on enhancing security, convenience and the user experience. Advanced chip technology, contactless payments, tokenization, biometric authentication and 3-D Secure 2.0 are just a few of the trends shaping the future of EMV certification. As the industry continues to adapt to emerging technologies and consumer expectations, we can expect further advancements in EMV certification to make card transactions even more secure and convenient.

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